BIBS Colour Blossom i Candy Apple

21.50 KM

BIBS Colour Blossom i Candy Apple
100% Natural Rubber

Size 1 = babies 0-6 months
Size 2 = babies 6-18 months

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BIBS Colour Blossom i Candy Apple

The classic BIBS pacifier

A world-renowned brand with a tradition of over 40 years, produces pacifiers made from 100% natural rubber, whose frame is designed to be slightly curved outwards to reduce the possibility of irritation of sensitive baby skin around the mouth.

The pacifier is shaped to mimic mother nature's design so that the baby can more easily get used to it.

The pacifier is flexible and the baby can squeeze the air out of it and also imitates the baby's natural sucking while on the mother's breast.

Additional information


1, 2


Pacifier Type

110393 5713795228089 Bibs Colour Pack Blossom Candyapple 2000x2000
BIBS Colour Blossom i Candy Apple
21.50 KM